itenfres +39 0924 48655/47389 Lun - Ven 08:00 - 17:00 Via Libertà, 40 - Campobello di Mazara (TP)
ISO 9001:2008
La migliore
#1 in Sicilia
Clienti Soddisfatti



Transparence, clarity and stability in the life of a wine are some of the characteristics that the consumer requires at the moment of the consumption. The factors that influence in the alterations of the qualitative characteristics of the wine are numerous and they can compromise the aroma, the color and the limpidity, originating undesired muds.

Guarnotta realizes a working line that allows the stabilization of the product, and since each wine has various requirements, before starting a stabilization cycle, it must know with certainty if, and how dealing it.
